Welcome back to the blog! If you're subscribed to our email newsletter, you'll have received these updates already; so make sure you put your name on the list to get the FEA goss delivered straight to your inbox! 💌
Preorders were originally going to end tonight at 11:59pm AEDT, but due to some minor shipment delays, we're extending preorders until Sunday 30 October 11:59pm AEDT!!!

FINALLY!! Hoodies are arriving to our warehouse on Wednesday! they've been on quite the journey but SO soon, they will be ready to embrace your boulder shoulders. Ophie is wearing a size M in this photo.

Shakers will also be arriving to our warehouse, but later in the week! These went into production late August and we're surprised with how long it's taken to get here 😅 you can never be too prepared.

Final ingredients are expected to arrive today / tomorrow (⚠️LATEST UPDATE: Goods have arrived and are now being transported to our manufacturing facility in preparation for production!! 25/10/22). They have been in customs since last week so we're VERY glad they have finally been cleared to make their way over to us. PS - this is a stock image and not an actual photo of our warehouse.

Batching and Blending is expected to commence at our manufacturing facility early next week. Which means as soon as the elves are done making magic, we'll be ready to pack 'em up and SHIP 'EM OUT TO YOU!! PS - this is also a stock image and not a photo of our production elves.
Since there have been some minor delays, we have decided to extend the preorder discount until 30 October 11:59pm AEDT! See the countdown above.
This is your LAST chance to get 10% off preorders - we will not be extending ANY FURTHER once products are completed and out of the factory.
It feels like we're finally getting close to the light at the end of the tunnel. We honestly cannot wait to be packing your orders again and hearing all about your experiences with the new formulas! Thank you always for being so patient and understanding 🥰
In Boba we trust,
- Founders Alric & Ophie